Web operator Manager
Posted on Mar 16, 2016
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Bonnara Consultants
Africa, Liberia
BonnaraConsultants BonnaraConsultants
231-6 57 94 74
Web operator Manager We are looking for a Manager, man or woman, to manage a team of 10 operators who work at home. You must attend your remote team on Skype. The work of the web operator is very simple; This is just a constant repetition. 2 hours of training is enough to start a web operator. The mastery of the English language, written and spoken, as well as the French language is necessary. Manager can earn between € 800 and € 1,600, depending on the skill of your team. expected competencies: You are honest, independent. You want to evolve into a human-sized company where you can have a steady job. Send your CV and cover letter to rh31@bonnara-properties.com
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